In recent times, the keto diet has taken the world by storm. So much so that there are now keto specific cafes and menus to cater to those on the keto diet. But how did this previously unheard concept of keto make way into almost every Indian household and why is it hailed by everyone?
The keto diet takes the low-carb, high-protein and high-fat eating approach. While on a keto diet, a person derives 20-30% calories from protein, 60-70% calories from fats and just 5% from carbs. What makes the keto diet a go-to for most is the health benefits it brings with this low carb, high fats composition. It helps one feel fuller, regulates blood sugar thus controlling sugar spikes and lows, makes one feel more energetic, helps control blood cholesterol, etc. thus making it a favorite among many.
However, incorporating the keto diet in an Indian diet can be quite daunting given that most of our foods are rich in carbs. Yet, the first best step is to begin at the core of the diet, i.e., with the atta. Whether it is rotis, breads or baked sweets, keto flour can be used to take the first steps towards maintaining a healthy keto diet.
Keto atta is generally made of an assortment of low carb flours like almond meal, coconut flour, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, sorghum, amaranth, etc. These can aid the keto diet as an assortment or individually be used as a replacement for whole wheat atta. Given the high demand for a keto diet, there are various atta brands that offer keto flour. Though these contain low carb grains, the milling process keeps you devoid of complete nutrition. Commercial keto flour brands use the roller milling process to grind flour which strips the grains of essential nutrients. The result? These require chemical additives like cellulose gum (binding agent), preservatives like potassium sorbate and artificial antioxidants which are known to cause DNA damage, asthma, allergy, cancer and diarrhea among other health problems.
Another issue with keto atta that’s bought off-the-shelf is its freshness. Packaged roller milled flour contains is kept on the shelves for months and is bound to go rancid. This way, without the nutrition and freshness, your body does not get the benefits of keto atta.
For true benefits from atta, it must be traditionally ground and used fresh. Grain2Grind’s Low Carb and Ultra Low Carb Keto Atta Mix combines the goodness of super grains like almond meal, coconut flour, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, corn meal, sorghum, rolled oats and amaranth. All of these low-carb grains are rich in protein, vitamins, fibers and have a low glycemic index. These grains are stoneground on a traditional chakki which preserve all parts of the grain thus retaining all nutrients which ensure wholesome health benefits. To maintain freshness, they are stoneground on order and delivered from farm to your doorstep within a week.
To top it all, Grain2Grind’s Keto Atta Mixes can be used to make more traditional recipes like a keto roti, keto dosa, keto naan or sweet but healthy treats like keto cookies, keto cakes, keto puddings and custards among many others. Pure, traditionally ground super grains, delivered fresh on order is what makes Grain2Grind’s Keto Atta Mix the best companion for your keto diet.
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