In today’s world, the best asset that you can possess is your health. Your health comes from what you eat. Whatever you consume should benefit your health in a positive manner. But finding the right foods and diet can be time consuming and with the limited amount of time on our hands it can be difficult to keep up with specific health requirements.
Now, with a few simple changes in your day to day diet, you can achieve your optimum health with minimal efforts and time. Let’s start with the most basic component of your every day meal i.e. your roti. While whole wheat or Shorgum (jowar) atta is good for your health, it is sometimes just not enough to fulfil the greater health requirements. So what more can you do? Well, the options are endless and what you need is something more than just a single grain atta. Let’s find out how you can make your atta healthier and suitable for your unique health requirements.
Step 1: Identify your nutrition requirements
Certain health conditions have specific nutrition requirements that are usually more unique than a healthy person’s nutrition needs. For example, an anemic person needs more iron in their diet than a non-anemic person. In the similar way, depending on your health condition, you need to find out from an expert nutritionist as to what your body needs in terms of nutrition.
Step 2: Choose foods that fulfil those requirements
Once you identify your health requirements it is important to find out the foods that offer you the most in terms of fulfilling those nutrition requirements. For example, foods rich in iron such as pearl millet, maize, etc, are great for a person with anaemia who is iron deficient. This is also one of the most important steps in making sure you feed your body with the right kind of nutrition.
Step 3: Customize your atta
This is the final and the most important step in making sure whatever you identified in the first two steps turns out fruitful. Why you need to customise your atta is because it is the easiest way to make sure your body gets the right nutrients without compromising much on taste and proportions. Continuing with the anaemia example, what you need is a blend of two most iron-rich millets i.e. pearl millet or bajra and finger millet or ragi along with whole wheat atta. Similarly, you can choose grains and millets that suit your nutrition requirements and helps make it better with regular consumption.
At Grain2Grind.com you can choose from a wide range of traditionally stone ground flour to create your own unique customised mix that is packed with nutrients and reaches your doorstep in its freshest form. You can even consult our health experts to find out more about your nutritional requirements as well as what grains and millets should you incorporate in your diet to make it a perfect fit for you.
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