Wheat has an important place in the Indian diet and is present in everything from cereals to rotis. It is rich in starch and carbohydrates that give energy, however, it is not gluten free and contains lectins which pose a significant problem to those suffering from diabetes.
One such alternative to regular wheat is Black Wheat which is a biofortified, non-GMO product. Healthier than its white cousin, Black Wheat gets its pigment and name from a compound called anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are compounds that occur naturally in dark-colored fruits and vegetables like blackberries, blueberries, aubergines and purple cabbage among others.
What makes naturally gluten-free black wheat a healthier addition to your diet than other varieties are the concentration of anthocyanins in it. While ordinary varieties contain 4 to 5 ppm of this compound, black wheat contains around 100 – 200 ppm of it. Apart from anthocyanins which are natural antioxidants, black wheat also consists of a number of nutritional bioactive compounds, vital amino acids, vitamins like B6 and B12, dietary fibers and minerals like zinc (35% more than regular wheat), iron (60% more than regular wheat), copper, magnesium and phosphorous.
Health Benefits of Black Wheat
Weight Management – The protein and fiber-rich black wheat contains fewer fats and carbohydrates. The dietary fiber prevents cravings by providing satiety. The antioxidants occurring in anthocyanins also help to flush out toxins from the body making it an ideal choice for weight management.
Diabetes Regulation – The fiber content in black wheat slows down digestive absorption which helps to reduce food cravings and keep blood sugar within a safe range.
Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases – Research suggests that black wheat reduces total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It contains unsaturated fatty acids and helps in lowering blood pressure by suppressing the secretion of vasopressin and dilating blood vessels.
These properties of black wheat make it a boon for those suffering from diabetes and hypertension. What makes Grain2Grind’s Black Wheat Atta even better is that it is grown in ethical farms that have not been laden with pesticides and is traditionally stone-ground to preserve all its nutrients. Along with this, it is freshly delivered to you within a week of order.
With the awareness of its benefits, there are many easy recipes that have become available. You can simply start making healthier rotis, dosas or breads with this atta. If you’re looking to indulge in something tastier without upsetting your health journey, you can start by baking gluten-free black wheat biscuits or black wheat muffins.
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